The Lower Platte Weed Management Area (LPWMA) is a group of public and private agencies and individuals concerned with stopping the spread of noxious and invasive plants located in the Lower Platte River drainage area.

The LPWMA is located in the Platte River drainage corridor and covers 10 counties in east-central Nebraska: Butler, Cass, Colfax, Dodge, Douglas, Lancaster, Platte, Sarpy, Saunders, and Seward. The corridor consists of bodies of water that drain into or have an impact on the Platte River in these counties.

Current Activities

Currently the LPWMA is targeting infestations of Purple Loosestrife, Saltcedar (Tamarisk), and Common Reed (Phragmites). These plants are not native to this country and have no natural enemies to keep them in check. Because of this, they become very aggressive and crowd out the beneficial native plants in the areas they infest.

The LPWMA uses GPS and GIS technology to track infestations and control efforts along the river corridor.

For more information on the LPWMA, visit their website.