The Lower Platte North NRD provides a variety of scholarships and grants for teachers and students with an interest in natural resources:
Shell Creek Watershed Scholarship
The Lower Platte North Natural Resources District offers three $1,000 scholarships for graduating seniors in the Shell Creek Watershed Monitoring Program who plan to pursue higher education relating to science or natural resources.
To qualify for a scholarship, applicants must:
- Be a graduating senior at Newman Grove High School, Schuyler Central High School, or Columbus Lakeview High School
- Have completed at least one year as a member of the Shell Creek Watershed Monitoring Program
- Be enrolled in an accredited two- or four-year college or university
- Plan to pursue a major or course of study relating to science and/or natural resources
- Return completed scholarship application and supporting materials by March 15th
Applications will be evaluated by NRD staff and representatives from Newman Grove Public Schools, Schuyler Public Schools, and Lakeview Community Schools. The final award decision will be made by the Lower Platte North NRD Board of Directors.
Scholarship recipients will receive ½ of the scholarship upon commencement of their first term, with the remainder being issued upon proof of successful completion of the first term with a GPA of B/3.0 or above. If a scholarship recipient fails to attend an accredited two- or four-year college or university or does not complete their first term with a GPA of at least B/3.0, scholarship funds may be directed to an alternate.
Please fill out all information requested below to apply. Provide supporting documents where requested; if you are unable to upload supporting documents using the form, you may email them to or send them to Lower Platte North NRD, PO Box 126, Wahoo NE 68066. All supporting documents must be submitted before the application deadline.
If you have questions, contact us at or (402) 443-4675.

Lower Platte North Natural Resources District Grant – New for 2025!
What is this for: The purpose of this grant is to aid high school students monetarily, to achieve success in a natural resources-based project within their community.
Who is the intended audience: High school students who reside within the Lower Platte North NRD, who are actively involved in a community based natural resources project. These projects may include but are not limited to: FFA supervised agricultural experiences (SAE); seminar class projects; 4-H projects; community engagement projects, and more.
What are the expectations: The expectations of this grant are to plan, implement, and carry out a natural resources-based project within your community. These monies can go towards a project with a clear end date, or an ongoing project that is continuously carried out by existing or new leaders.
Application deadline: May 1, 2025.
To qualify for this grant, applicants must provide:
- Statement of need
- Description of the project
- Budget and resources
- Cover letter
- Supporting documents
Applications will be evaluated by NRD staff and representatives. The final award decision will be made by the Lower Platte North NRD Board of Directors.
If you have questions, contact us at or (402) 443-4675.
Additional Scholarships
The Lower Platte North NRD will help sponsor Envirothon teams from the district who make it to state competition. The Envirothon is a team competition that tests students on their knowledge of botany, wildlife, water, and other natural resources issues. Learn more about the Envirothon competition.
The Nebraska Association for Conservation and Environmental Education (NACEE) is a group for teachers and other educators who are interested in science as it relates to natural resources. Each year, NACEE sponsors a conference at a camp, park or historical site. Teachers may apply to the Lower Platte North NRD for a scholarship to attend this conference.
Ag in the Classroom
Each summer, Nebraska Ag in the Classroom sponsors workshops for teachers that focus on Nebraska’s agricultural industry. Teachers learn how food makes it way from the field to the table, and how they can incorporate that information into their curriculum. Scholarships are available from the Lower Platte North NRD to attend Ag in the Classroom workshops.
Other Scholarships
Scholarships and grants may also be available for other natural resources-oriented camps and workshops. Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.